
hl7_transform is a tool to modify and transform HL7 messages using a mapping scheme. It can be used as a standalone tool or as a Python library.

How to use

Install hl7_transform from Pypi:

pip install hl7_transform

Once installed, you can run hl7_transform script in your shell:

hl7_transform --help

You can also build your own projects or experiment in Jupyter notebooks by importing the library in your Python code:

from hl7_transform.mapping import HL7Mapping
from hl7_transform.transform import HL7Transform
from hl7_transform.message import HL7Message

mapping = HL7Mapping.from_json('hl7_transform/test/test_transform.json')
message = HL7Message.from_file('hl7_transform/test/test_msg.hl7')
transform = HL7Transform(mapping)
transformed_message = transform(message)


  • read an HL7 message from file, transform it and write it to a new file


This project strives from contribution, you are very welcome to extend functionality and make pull request. The easiest ways to contribute are:

If you are having issues, please let us know.


The project is licensed under the MIT license.